Journalist Abby Taylor: Writing News Stories for Newspapers @yWrite with Angela Grout E8

Writing novels or writing for a newspaper both require research however Reporter Abigail Taylor tells Author Angela Grout, the process of reporting news must always be just the facts. As a featured writer for THE RECORD in West Springfield, MA, Abby interviewed Host Angela Grout and wrote an article about yWrite. This episodes documents Abby's process of writing that article and her own journey of becoming a news reporter. 

Abigail Taylor is a journalist is to read and watch in the industry. One day she may be the next Barbara Walters, or the featured writer for PEOPLE Magazine. Viewers will love her as much as Angela does, and not just because she wrote an article about yWrite...but that article is worth reading too!    

Learn more about Abby at www.sincerelyabby.wixsite.-com/abbytaylor  

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